If you want a quiet life, I wouldn't recommend buying this house. After all, its features include a dinning room and a loft conversation...
(I can't actually remember where this photo came from. I'm assuming I scanned it myself, but if anyone emailed it in – thank you.)
UPDATE 05/02/09: My mum has reminded me that she sent in the photo. Thanks, Mum! And apparently the house is still being advertised for sale...
Photo special: dinning room and loft conversation
Posted by
JD (The Engine Room)
on Friday, 23 January 2009
estate agent,
local newspapers,
spelling mistake
What's more it's near Various Tube Station – would that be West Various, East Various or Various Central?
I see that the recession is biting and only a singular Olympic is going to be held. Do we get to vote whether that's track or field?
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