Having spent the past week in Spain I could pass on examples of silly solecisms but I won't because it's hardly fair to sneer at our multi-lingual Continental cousins when so few Brits are prepared to learn foreign languages (my droog JD is an exception to that rule).
In any case this sign, which confronts travellers arriving at Gatwick airport by train, puts Spanish menu typos in the shade. In case you can't read it through the lens of my £25 Tesco camera, it warns: "Keep safe. Use the lifts. A lift is located further along the platform."
The spelling's OK, so maybe this is outside The Engine Room's self-imposed remit, but it's such a fine example of 21st century health and safety that I wanted to share it with you. I wonder if the escalator manufacturer could claim damages from the airport operator for malicious falsehood?
Very nice, Apus, and I hope you had a good time in Spain!
I'll add the photo to The Engine Room's Flickr account, where all our snaps are stored.
They're probably concerned about people with large suitcases (as in the picture) falling down the escalator.
The person shown falling down the escalator has a large suitcase - but the two people in the lift don't have any luggage at all! Does this mean that you should take the lift whether or not you have any bags? Or perhaps you should throw your bags down the escalator and then take the lift...
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