While reading a 1960s science fiction anthology this afternoon I came across the adjective papuliferous. It stopped me dead in my tracks but my OED Concise revealed that a papula is a pimple. A quick check via Google took me to wordsmith.org which had selected papuliferous (or papilliferous) as a word of the day and confirmed that it simply means "having pimples".
The author had used it to describe insolent teenagers; I plan to do likewise at the first opportunity.
Use "Niapads" (it contains Niacinamide) for controlling your acne. It’s Simple for Pimple(C). One step process provides exfoliation, pore cleansing, prevention of Acne and Skin Lightening (acne scars). Visit www.niapads.com for details. Free shipping to all US and Canada.
Great word; horrible picture!
Acne warrior: 'Simple for Pimple'? I think you might need to rethink your slogan.
This is the Internet Age - advertise on a UK blog but offer free shipping to US and Canada!
That photo is REALLY gross.
JD, Kasey, I agree this is a pretty gross pic but believe me, when I Googled images of pimples this was among the prettier examples. Fortunately the sufferer can't see it.
And Acne warrior, JD's right, you could do with a snappier slogan. How about 'hit that zit'... 'dump that lump'... 'spoil that boil'... or maybe 'rot that spot'?
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