You may have noticed a small Google advert on the right-hand side of this page, below the 'language links' panel. The idea behind it is that Google's clever AdSense program works out what the site is about and then displays relevant ads. For example, if the website is about pop music, AdSense might show adverts for CDs or gig tickets.
So far on the Engine Room, we've had adverts for dictionaries (that makes sense), blogging websites, social networking sites and... er... lots of ads for mouthwash. This threw me for a bit until I realised that maybe I shouldn't have been blogging about the back of my toothpaste tube...
The irony now is that next time AdSense takes a look at this blog, it'll see two posts about oral hygiene and serve up yet more mouthwash adverts. Maybe Apus and I have hit a niche - language use for dentists...
-ed versus -t
2 days ago