Iron Man uses moderate language

We recently received the following email from Neil:

The Iron Man film trailer – which seems to give away WAY too much plot and is too long – says at the end in usual disclaimer-fashion: "Contains moderate violence and moderate language.”

All I have is visions of the so-called Iron Man talking in moderate English language like a Conservative politician: “Sorry to blow you up old chap”, “Get me out of this bloody suit!” etc...

Neil, the warning I saw actually read: "Contains moderate violence and one use of moderate language". So I am assuming that, apart from that one use, all of the dialogue in Iron Man is thoroughly immoderate...


The Ridger, FCD said...

You know, I just saw that movie, and I really don't recall immoderate language. Or moderate language, either. But then, I don't understand how they decide what labels to use for such things.

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