As part of my increasing involvement in the web side of things here at work I have been spending some of my time recently fixing mistakes and inconsistencies on our website. Unfortunately I work on a Mac and the less than perfect web-based system I need to access to make my corrections only runs properly on a PC.
Rather than running up and down the office between my Mac and the spare PC all day, I have been writing proof marks on a printout of the web page in question and giving this to a friendly PC operator to make the corrections for me. Very high-tech, huh?
As well as the usual typos and lapses in style, one unique element of subbing (or indeed, copy editing) for the web is fixing broken hyperlinks. Whenever I have found a broken link I have been writing the correct URL on the paper proof for the PC operator to tap in for me.
This was working well – until I came across a URL on a certain government website that went on... and on... and on. I copied it into Word and did a quick character count only to find that this web address was a whopping 362 characters long. That's definitely a personal record.
Anyone beat that?
The Strunk cost fallacy
2 weeks ago
Here's a puzzle for you: are there any words with more than 362 letters?
Not that I can think of... perhaps the name of some chemical compound?
actually there is is some scientific term for some compound it is over 1000 letters longest. Url. Ever. I just shortened it...tehehe ;)
I think it's the longest URL in the world...
(It's redirect to the chars)
This page is create the longest URLs in the world:
And I thought you meant longest website. I had just learned about and
The longest URL is,%20so%20she%20went%20to%20the%20bathroom%20and%20turned%20off%20the%20tap%20properly%20in%20there,%20too.%20She%20went%20back%20to%20her%20bedroom%20and%20stuck%20her%20hand%20under%20the%20bed,%20and%20the%20dog%20licked%20it%20again.%20But%20the%20dripping%20continued,%20so%20she%20went%20outside%20and%20turned%20off%20the%20taps%20out%20there.%20She%20came%20back%20to%20bed,%20stuck%20her%20hand%20under%20it,%20and%20the%20dog%20licked%20it%20again.%20The%20dripping%20continued,%20drip,%20drip,%20drip.%20This%20time%20she%20listened%20and%20located%20the%20source%20of%20the%20dripping.%20it%20was%20coming%20from%20her%20cupboard.%20She%20opened%20the%20cupboard%20door,%20and%20there%20was%20her%20dog%20hanging%20upside%20down%20with%20its%20neck%20cut,%20and%20written%20on%20the%20window%20on%20the%20inside%20of%20the%20cupboard%20was,%20HUMANS%20CAN%20LICK%20TOO!!!%20 no?
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