According to the Catholic faith, they must be confessed to a priest and if not absolved or forgiven, will lead to a person's soul being condemned to hell.
But now genetic experimentation, tampering with the order of nature, pollution, social injustice, causing poverty, excessive wealth and drug abuse have been added.
There's something deliciously ironic about the Catholic Church speaking out against excessive wealth...
On another note, the new list of sins "was announced after a week-long confession refresher course for priests". Would that be a confesher?

How in the world do I know if I have been guilty of causing poverty?
If I buy objects made in China for very low wages, am I causing poverty? Or am I helping assuage it, since at least those Chinese laborers earned SOME money--more perhaps than they'd have been able to earn if those Barbies were made in some other country.
So a CEO moves his plant to India--he causes poverty here, but he provides employment there.
I like the genetic experimentation sin. It's not something you can do by accident is it?
Presumably Catholic geneticists just have to confess every week and everything is OK.
This seems like an unnecessary waste of energy. That'll need to be confessed.
Gotta love the what you like, just be sure to confess!!
Bunch of paedophile b@stards
Now as jd knows the last thing I'd want to do is cause catholics a moment's doubt. Bbut by telling them that confessing is the only way to escape damnation I fear the pope has made it impossible for believers to avoid confessing for selfish reasons, thus condemning themselves to damnation...
And I'm surprised that the Vatican hasn't grasped the possibilities of genetically engineering babies hardwired to believe in all that good stuff. are all ridculously unschooled in matters of the Catholic faith. You've clearly proven your ignorance.
P.S. Maybe we should add "gross stereotyping" to the list of mortal sins.
Only the Catholic church could declare social injustice a mortal sin (and do so with no apparent sense of irony), yet remain curiously quiet on the subject of paedophilia. Or, for that matter, declaring a former Nazi to be God's representative on earth.
we are not paedophiles OR Nazi, and as a believer of God you should not speak with such hate against your own brothers and sisters,.... and as a Catholic, I forgive you, although I am immensly hurt by your words.
@Anonymous: actually, I think you'll find that many prominent Catholics have been exposed as paedophiles, and the head of your Church was once a member of a Nazi organisation. These things are proven facts, they are not really open for debate.
But anyway, as an atheist, I forgive you, although I am immensely amused by your words.
I have to say enjoyed reading all the fuckwits' comments above... Nazis, pedophiles et cetera... However, most enjoyable was reading the blogger quote from the London "Metro", the shitbag free paper used by the homeless to light fires, as if it were St. Peter's gospel. The Church as a body politik are perfectly within its rights to proclaim whatever it thinks, without slanderous and defamatory statements been levelled at its members by twats who have no idea what they're saying. Every person in Germany upon turning 14 was automatically enrolled in the HJ. However the current Pope, unlike many of his generation did not blindly follow his peers, and refused to attend any HJ meetings. In 100 years I'd love to question those people above how they've acquiesced to today's moral terpitude in areas such as the mass slaughter of the innocent unborn - no doubt they would proclaim "it was society's fault". People unworthy of a Nuremburg if you ask me.
You people have proven your own stupidity, you obviouslyu have no knowledge of wat catholics truely believe, i forgive as a catholic, but please get your facts straight before you critsize us
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