Platypus: a good name for a web platform?

The company I work for has just announced that we will be moving to a platform called 'Platypus' for our community websites.

According to Wikipedia, the platypus (pictured above) baffled naturalists when it was first encountered, was considered by some to be an elaborate fraud, was poorly understood for many years, is "capable of causing extreme pain to humans" with its venom, and is sometimes referred to as "proof that God has a sense of humour".

Can't wait!


TootsNYC said...

Just think--now you get to *say* the word "Platypus" often.

It's just such a fun-sounding word.

platypus, platypus, platypus.

Steve Gale said...

I think that just about sums it up JD. A mute (moot) point!

Andrew Orange said...

And the joke has it that it comes with a pretty hefty bill attached.

JD (The Engine Room) said...

Argh, I can't believe I missed the most obvious one! Thanks Andrew...