I was looking for a nice soup recipe just now when I stumbled across this on Cookitsimply.com:
Yes, that's "Bacon, Bean et Garlic Soup".
So does the et lend a certain je ne sais quoi, or is it just ridiculous? Probably the latter, in my opinion - but it's a sad day when you can't have fun with language.
Wait a minute, I've just spotted another couple of examples on the same website:
What's going on here then? Am I missing something obvious?
Five telling quotes
4 days ago
Maybe it's a poor substitute for the ampersand symbol - which was originally just the letters e and t written in a slightly florid way? Possibly something to do with certain character sets or web applications not allowing non-alphanumeric characters? No idea really, just a guess.
That's a good point, Gareth, but I hope it's not that. It's so much funnier if they're being pretentious!
I think it's hiliarous that here in the US there are places that have a foreign-sounding name, but if you translated it, it's just not the same.
For example, there is a small town in Central California called Los Baños. I didn't think anything of the name (I don't speak Spanish) until one day I went into a petrol station shop to buy some candy and saw a huge sign in the corner that said Baños. The sign was in the shape of triangle pointing downward so naturally I went to investigate, realising I'd finally know what it meant.
The meaning? Restroom. I had a friend who was living in Los Baños so naturally I had to call him and ask how he liked living in the restroom. ;o)
So adding a foreign word to an English phrase gives it a little flair. :)
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