As you may be aware, Apus is soon leaving for pastures new and he is currently enjoying a round of leaving dos.
Yesterday it was the turn of our esteemed freelancers to be taken to lunch – and I thought at the time that never before had I seen so many subs in one place. That led me to wonder what a good collective noun for a group of sub editors (or copy editors, if you prefer) might be. A proof of subs, perhaps? A correction of subs?
I don't want to leave our design colleagues out, so perhaps we should come up with a collective noun for them too. A scribble of designers? A scrawl of designers?
I'm sure your ideas will be better than mine...
The Strunk cost fallacy
2 weeks ago
What about a 'sentence of subs' and a 'drawing of designers'?
I was out with a group of Librarians last night but I can't think of a good one for that...
Modifying that slightly, I quite like a 'drawer of designers' – we can take another one out of the drawer any time we need a layout.
And I imagine that being stuck in a room full of subs would be a sentence for some unenlightened language users...
Librarians, eh? How about a bookish of librarians? A Dewey of librarians? An alphabetisation of librarians? Or just a collection of librarians would probably do...
Oh what about a 'catalogue of librarians'?!
Surely 'a pettiness of sub editors'?
A scribe of sub editors.
Good luck Apus, are you retiring or changing jobs? Either way I hope you will find time to continue blogging.
I used a comma incorrectly just to keep you on your toes. Ahem.
Many thanks gez; sort of retirement/writing/beachcombing... or all the above. And yes I certainly hope to blog, on which subject I like Sarah's catalogue of librarians but what about designers?
I asked our very own pet designers who came up with a font of designers, or a juxtaposition of designers (they were NOT impressed by JD's interjection of a wonky of designers).
As for subs, I rather like a clause of subs – and while I can't go with gareth's pettiness of subs( so cruel!) how about a pedantry of subs?
And gez, I noriced the comma (well, ish) but was to polite to mention it ;)
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