Think before you write: recruitment ad

A magazine in the group that employs JD and I includes a recruitment ad that is well written and tempting (the job offers 56 days' annual leave, for a start).

The role, we are told, involves managing sites at a number of remote locations. Fair enough.

But someone at the advertising agency must have been having a bad day when they wrote the headline: 'Camp Managers'.


JD (The Engine Room) said...

"Employs JD and I" – surely you mean "employs JD and me"...

(Sorry, couldn't help myself)

Blue said...

Well I was going to say that but JD beat me to it. Damn. :oP

Apus said...

OK, smartarses, I guess I'll have to fall on my em rule... again ;)

and JD, you have developed a vicious streak. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I think that I have also heard about this....

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