Ryan Adams twice?

About a year ago I wrote about how the film title Alvin and the Chipmunks implied that Alvin wasn't a chipmunk.

On a similar theme: I recently bought an album, Cardinology, by Ryan Adams & The Cardinals. (I know; don't judge me.)

The CD packaging states: "The Cardinals are Ryan Adams, Neal Casal, Chris Feinstein, Jon Graboff and Brad Pemberton".

So if Ryan Adams is a member of The Cardinals, surely it's redundant to say Ryan Adams & The Cardinals?

Admittedly, saying that the album is by The Cardinals (including Ryan Adams) sounds a little odd.


Kasey said...

What makes Ryan so special that he's got to stand out from the other Cardinals? Or Alvin for that matter. It should be Dave and the Chipmunks. And just The Cardinals.

JD (The Engine Room) said...

Mix and match: how about Ryan Adams and the Chipmunks? Now that would be a band I'd pay to see!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Adams has stated on numerous occassions that he wishes it was just "The Cardinals" but the record label won't let him record under just "The Cardinals". It's probably one of the reasons why he is taking a long break from the music industry...