Infinitesimal error in the Mirror

Bit of a blooper in the Daily Mirror today.

In a one-page feature, the paper "asks columnists to imagine what their lives would be like in a parallel universe". Nicola Methven of 'Nicola Methven's TV Land' (pictured) starts her answer by saying:

Apparently we could all be living an infinitesimal number of parallel lives in an infinitesimal number of universes.

Em, I think you mean 'infinite' rather than 'infinitesimal' (extremely small).

The Mirror also has the same article online, complete with error.


Gez said...

The same error appears in Jim Shelly's paragraph.

"I can't get my head round the concept of one universe let alone an infinitesimal number of the buggers.I can't get my head round the concept of one universe let alone an infinitesimal number of the buggers."

This leads me to believe we are dealing with an editorial error. What do you think?

Gez said...

Oops, I pasted the quote twice.

Roy said...

An editorial error, obviously

JD (The Engine Room) said...

Either way, it's an editorial error - the subs should have picked this up.

Always blame the subs, that's my motto!

JD (The Engine Room) said...

And I just noticed that the same article talks of "alternate realities" instead of 'alternative'. I'm not saying this is wrong, but many people would still consider this to be wrong (or an Americanism), so the paper should have been more careful.

Wow, maybe I should stop picking on the Mail so much and just go for the Mirror!