Typo of the week: tea-hee

A small but amusing typo in a Times Online article about afternoon tea in London. Here's the relevant paragraph:

Afternoon tea is served daily at 2pm and 4pm (plus a noon sitting at weekends) and costs £31.50pp, or £38.50pp with a glass of bubby: book on 020 7420 2669. You've got until December 15, when the Savoy closes for a 16-moth, £100 million refurbishment.

It seems that 16 moths can do a surprising amount of damage...


Anonymous said...

also whats a glass of bubby?

JD (The Engine Room) said...

Ha ha, well spotted! You've out-subbed the sub...

Anonymous said...

"a surprising amount of damage"--maybe a surprising amount of work? Hiring moths to do the renovation work would probably be wiser than hiring some of the contractors I've heard of.