I did say consistently:

I have to admit that I always struggle to spell 'privelige' and 'sacrelige' correctly. Or do I mean 'privilege' and 'sacrilege'? I think I'm misled by the 'elig' part of 'religious'.
So now I want to ask: which words do you have consistent difficulty spelling?
Accommodation. The double M gets me every time.
I always want to add an extra "r" to "harass," like "embarrass." And as an editor, I don't want to be harassed or embarrassed about a spelling error.
Vacuum. I always want to add an extra C.
Judgement, until I learned you CAN put the E after the G.
Field - though I can spell it, I can't type it; it always comes out as filed.
I can't think of others, but I'm sure there are a couple.
Just discovered that I didn't remember that Terrific doesn't have two Fs. I can't seem to type Management correctly on the first try; I'm always missing the second A.
Yes, I used to struggle with 'embarrass' until I came up with a strange way of remembering that there are two 'r's in the word.
All I do is think of the phrase 'it's an arse to be embarrassed' and I remind myself that there are indeed 'r's ('arse') in the word. By which I mean, of course, more than one 'r'.
I suppose my technique might not work if you are American.
And I've just realised that this is conclusive proof of my oddness (if any were needed).
Names that end in -in; at the end of a word, I automatically type -ing.
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