This is JD's blog about language use, journalism, and media old and new.
Okay, I'm picturing one of those ginormous stuffed toys (if toy is the right word). But perhaps it was a stuffed taxidermy lion? Or a bronze?Or (please) a real one?
Was wondering if rather than being a "taxivan" he might have been "taxavian", as in some kind of taxidermy delivery service??!! Hahah
Ooops, what Th Ridger said then
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Okay, I'm picturing one of those ginormous stuffed toys (if toy is the right word).
But perhaps it was a stuffed taxidermy lion? Or a bronze?
Or (please) a real one?
Was wondering if rather than being a "taxivan" he might have been "taxavian", as in some kind of taxidermy delivery service??!! Hahah
Ooops, what Th Ridger said then
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