What's interesting is that story eight, "Tea 'healthier' drink than water", actually dates from August 2006:

For it to resurface as one of the Beeb's most popular stories three years after it was written shows the longevity that web content can have.
The story has been flying around on Twitter quite a lot recently, so I wonder if the micro-blogging site is responsible?
So it doesn't mean that tea is still healthier nearly 3 years later?
I saw that, and wondered if it was in response to all the advice that in the heat we should be drinking water as opposed to (hot) tea.
There are a few stories that regularly reappear on the BBC news ticker, years after their first showing. "Sudan man forced to marry goat" is a personal favourite, along with its sad follow-up "Sudan goat has passed away" (or words to that effect). There's also one about Indian men needing extra-small condoms that pops up from time to time. They must do the rounds via email, or sites like Twitter as you say.
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