The Turner Prize and Enrico David Enrico

On Monday the London Lite ran a short piece on the entries for this year's Turner Prize. Here's part of it:

Clipping from the London Lite
I feel sorry for the caption-writer on this one. David Enrico sounds a more plausible name than Enrico David (in my opinion).

At least the London Lite is less critical of the Turner Prize than the Daily Mail...


Minnie said...

Share your sympathy for the caption writer - and 'London Lite' is clearly well-named.
As for the 'DM', the editorial policy seems to be one of actively inciting spite on all fronts - often directing it at the paper's own columnists (e.g. Liz Jones). Nasty stuff, very. Tried reading the comments on a few occasions: gave up, as the experience proved dispiriting beyond belief.

Gareth said...

Last I saw, the Daily Mail's "Not The Turner Prize" consisted mostly of incredibly bad watercolours and portraits of people's grandmothers. Truly awful stuff.