A little language puzzle based on an event from my childhood.
When I was young, I was a Cub Scout. On my first overnight camp, at the age of eight or so, I was excited to learn that we would be making 'beaver wax' that evening. But what was that? I knew what beavers were, and I knew what what wax was, of course, but I couldn't connect the two in my mind. Baloo and all the older Cubs seemed to know what beaver wax was, so I didn't want to ask and look foolish.
My question to you is: what did we make that evening? (And no, it was nothing inappropriate...)
Five telling quotes
17 hours ago
Erm, bivouacs?
Got it in one! Was that too easy?
Thanks JD,
My Google results for "beaver wax"+boyscouts started a klaxon alarm in the IT department. I am now out of a job.
Curse the British and their bizarre spellings with R! I'm going to guess that "beaver wax" doesn't have an R sound in for you? Because it does for me, and I don't think I could possibly confuse it with "bivouacs".
Even after being caught out like this a hundred times or more, I still can't remember to subtract those Rs.
I guess I do say "beaver" as "beev-a" (with my non-descript southern English accent). A Cockney or Estuary accent would be even more pronounced, more like "beev-ah".
I can't actually imagine anyone putting a pronounced "r" sound in the middle of "beaver wax" though. Doesn't it lead to a pronounced and unnatural gap between the words? I'd only do that if the second word started with a vowel - maybe "beaver armpit" or similar. But that's a whole new topic.
I'm the same as you, Gareth (somewhat unsurprisingly): we both have non-rhotic accents. Try putting the 'r' sound in 'beaver wax' and you will probably sound either like someone from the Mid West or the West Country - where people generally have rhotic accents.
Your 'beaver armpit' is a good example of 'linking r'.
The Wikipedia pages on 'rhotic and non-rhotic accents' and 'linking and intrusive R' are good for more info on this stuff.
I would pronounce it biv-a, so was a little confused when first reading the post! Beaver wax doesn't sound anything like how i'd say bivouacs! Mine would sound more like biv-a-wax.
Well I can't say they sound exactly the same even in my southern accent, but I was a kid and unfamiliar with the word 'bivouacs'. My brain just processed it into the closest-sounding words it new...
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