Never mind the Large Hadron Collider and the hunt for the Higgs boson – I've just spotted that the microwave in our
employee restaurant office canteen has a setting with the rather wonderful name of 'Chaos Defrost'.
It's good to see, finally, a useful application for chaos theory.
No, I'm not joking...
Now this is what I call a microwave
Is this for real? If so, have you ever tried the "chaos defrost" function? What (dare I ask) does it do? I am unbelievably intrigued.
Brilliantly, this is for real. I've never tried it because I don't tend to take frozen food in the office – but the link I gave in the post suggests that 'Chaos Defrost' defrosts quicker than a regular defrost mode by employing an "irregular heating sequence"...
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